The Board and Advisory Council of the Inclusive Society Institute (ISI) attended a ‘Theories of Change’ workshop on Saturday, 21 November 2020. The workshop was led Prof. Fraser, a director of the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results at the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand.
The objective of the workshop was to evaluate the institute’s current strategies with the aim to effectively position itself in order to achieve its goals and aspirations.
The ISI is resolute in contributing towards the establishment of an inclusive society, in which the aspirations of all who live in it, can proudly celebrate their South Africanism. This requires:
The development of policies and programmes aimed at mainstreaming the historically disadvantaged, women and youth
The embracing of diversity and inclusion, that is building a society that works for all
Re-emphasising the true meaning of democratic freedoms, namely that with freedom comes responsibility
The development of a just and fair economy which provides equal opportunity
Promoting a common South African identity by advancing unity, nation building and reconciliation