Buyelwa Sonjica Khanyisile Kweyama
Chairperson Deputy Chairperson
The Advisory Council of the Inclusive Society Institute (ISI) met on Saturday, 13 March 2021, for purposes of electing its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson and to help chart the research work for the next financial year of the institute.
The Advisory Council elected Ms Buyelwa Sonjica as its Chairperson and Ms Khanyisile Kweyame as its Deputy Chairperson.
The work of the institute will be driven in line with the working approach that the Board, as formulated by its Chairperson, Mr Vusi Khanyile. He defined an inclusive society as one in which people who are at risk of poverty or any other forms of exclusion, are able to gain access to the resources and opportunities that they need to fully participate in the social, economic and cultural life of the nation. The key issue to note, he said, was that people don’t just wake one day and decide that have access to resources and opportunity. An inclusive society requires deliberate policies and practices to ensure that people have the access that they require, and wherein both the state and the market recognise and play their respective complimentary roles.
Key sectors that the institute will be focussing on include, amongst others, the economy, health, local government, women empowerment and social cohesion.