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#Integritasza Conference

5 - 6 December 2023, Wellington

#integritasza – Coalition-Conference 2023 with the theme Coalition Governance in South Africa: Dedicated Desired State or Destructive Disasters, was held on 5 and 6 December 2023 at the Andrew Murray Centre of Spirituality, in Wellington.  The conference aimed to explore the challenges and opportunities of South African coalition governance, in the context of the 2024 South African national and provincial government elections.

Daryl Swanepoel, Stephen Langtry, Edwin Mc Queen and Berenice Marks represented the Inclusive Society Institute at the conference.  Daryl Swanepoel, CEO of the Inclusive Society Institute was one of the keynote speakers.

There were many esteemed speakers, amongst others, Prof Jaap de Visser from the Dullah Omar Institute, Dr Heather Thuynsma from the Pretoria University, Dr Harlan Cloete, from the University of Free State as well as Mr China Dodovu, Chair of the CoGTA and he serves the ANC NCOP, Pieter Groenewald, National Leader of the Freedom Front Plus and Mark Willemse, a previous Mayor of the Knysna Municipality.

The themes were, problem identification and co-creation of solutions for coalitions as desired futures.

Prof Erwin Schwella, who hosted the event, was extremely satisfied with the robust debate and the input of the various speakers.


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