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Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual Meeting 2024 - Roundtable assessing institutional capacities to deliver in a changing world

The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNC) Annual Meeting was held in Tokyo from 19 – 22 June 2024. The Inclusive Society Institute’s Chief Executive Officer, Daryl Swanepoel, was a panellist during the roundtable discussion on Assessing institutional capacities to deliver in a changing world.

In an era of shifting geopolitics, the roundtable delve into the evolving roles of intergovernmental institutions on the international stage. The starting point of the discussion was the existing multilateral system centred around the United Nations, and its apparent failure to adequately address today’s global challenges, both traditional peace & security and human security, including sustainable development and human rights. The question to be answered was whether a different configuration of existing institutions and/or new institutional arrangements would allow the tackling of global challenges more efficiently and effectively? The  roundtable attempted to assess the current and potential role of institutions like the G20, BRICS and G7 individually and their interconnections, taking into account the interests of individual states or groups of states, as well as broader human and planetary well-being. The assessment was based on each institution’s performance in terms of challenge/problem identification, awareness-raising, leadership, decision-making and implementation, and grades were allocated according to each institution’s effectiveness, coherence and legitimacy.

Other panellists included Richard PONZIO (Stimson Center), Richard KINLEY, who chaired the panel (Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS)),  Cilene Victor DA SILVA (Methodist University of Sao Paulo) and Mohammad Taher Gholi TABAR (University of Religions and Denominations (URD)).



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